Social Media Optimization (SMO) is the newest (not so new anymore) trend in internet marketing, and many firms are focusing their efforts on creating and maintaining client accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets. Some may argue that Social Media is the future of internet marketing, and it may well be, but there are numerous flaws in the Social Media design.
Social Media is generally defined as media that encourages social interaction. As the internet has become a large network of human interaction, it seems that social media would be the future. However, as with the keywords META tag and other internet marketing strategies that have gone the way of the dodo, Social Media is easily manipulated, and is therefore likely to be questionable in the eyes of Google. There are other issues, such as Twitter’s use of No Follow links, which, arguably, would add no link value to the site. Another issue with many Social Media outlets are they are constantly changing, so any links obtained via Social Media will quickly be pushed aside by new material.
If you consider blogs Social Media, I believe they are a viable option, because blog articles can be used as link bait and provide valuable anchor text links to a site.
While I believe Social Media does have its place, and is a good way to stay in touch with clients or customers, I agree that Social Media links will not replace old fashioned links any time soon.