Web Analytics Services and Consulting

Understand Your Customers and Clients

What is Analytics Reporting?

Web analytics is the collection and analysis of website data. It provides your business with important insights that can be used to increase traffic and attract more clients. Tracking your site’s analytics can:

  • Help you keep an eye on how well your site is performing
  • Enable you to track new and returning visitors
  • Identify the main geographical locations of your customer base
  • Optimize your website’s user journey
  • Identify top-performing content

How Can Tracking Analytics Help Your Business?

Properly tracked data is the key to a successful digital marketing campaign. It’s one thing to look at traffic to a website, and something different entirely to understand that traffic. We help you answer questions such as:

  • Why is my traffic not converting?
  • Which keywords are making me money?
  • What is my target demographic?

Not only do we answer these questions, we incorporate them into a comprehensive digital marketing campaign that utilizes every possible tool—SEO, pay-per-click, content marketing, social media—all of which can be tracked with your analytics.

As part of our digital marketing campaigns, we provide monthly analytics reporting that keeps you apprised of your campaign’s success. Your report will be tailored to address your needs, and we’ll track the analytics data on which you want to be updated. Included with these is a human-written email that reviews your campaign and addresses any points of interest. Our goal at all times is transparency, accountability, and reporting in normal language that doesn’t confuse our clients.

Call us today at (800) 636-0347 or Email us at [email protected]

We have a 15-year history of providing reliable internet marketing services to clients in Maryland and throughout the nation

Some Past and Present Clients

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